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Thanks for taking the time and looking at my website whether you just being nosey or are mildly interested here we go. I have been into photography from a teenager as my stepfather was an avid photographer so photography was a large part of everyday life.


Another passion of mine is music especially live music I attend lots of Gigs each year and have always taken a camera with me and have always looked at the photographer’s at the front thinking I would like to be one of them.


So around three years ago after losing a close friend and my world falling apart around me I made the decision  to not be the one to think what might have been and try and become a Music photographer.


This website is the results of my three years hard work and now I am one of those photographers in the pit and have so far had some wonderful opportunities.


I aim to push boundaries, challenge myself with every shot and continue to chase that ever elusive ‘perfect image’.


I am always grateful for advice and help so please feel free to get in contact.



And now for the blurb

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